Me molesta la gente. Odio la aglomeración de personas. Odio las multitudes.
Cuando estoy en un lugar con mucha gente me siento fastidiosa, molesta, irritable...
Pero hay dos situaciones de aglomeración de gente que me molesta en particular: la de las playas y la de los shoppings.
Me molestan las playas... toda esa gente con cara de falsa felicidad...
Me molestan los shoppings... toda esa gente gastando cientos de pesos en una remera, un pantalón, un producto... en algo que está hecho para que se rompa, se gaste, se ensucie y se tenga que volver a gastar cientos de pesos, otra vez, en un producto igual.
Por eso no voy ni a la playa ni al shopping.
And I don't want ya, and I don't need ya. Don't bother to resist, or I'll beat ya. It's not your fault that you're always wrong. The weak ones are there, justify the strong. The beautiful people, the beautiful people. It's all relative to the size of your steeple. You can't see the forest, for the trees. You can't smell your own shit on your knees!
There's no time to discriminate. Hate every motherfucker that's in your way!
Hey you, what do you see? Something beautiful, something free? Hey you, are you trying to be mean? You live with apes man, it's hard to be clean.
The worms will live, in every host. It's hard to pick which one they'll eat the most. The horrible people, the horrible people. It's all atomic as the size of your steeple. Capitalisim, has made it this way. Old-Fashion facisim will take it away.
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